Anything Goes Smoothie

smoothie, healthy eating, Young living, young living essential oils, young living reviews, young living essential oils distributor, young living starter kits, young living diffuser, young living vs. doterra, young living products, where to buy young…

I don't know about you, but I had big ideas and plans for the type of mom I was going to be to my son. Being that my career involved holistic nutrition I had ideas, and lots of them. None of which turned out when it came to food and nutrition with my son. He's a picky and limited eater. So when I came across a raw veggie recipe he actually liked, I was both relieved and thrilled!

smoothie, healthy eating, Young living, young living essential oils, young living reviews, young living essential oils distributor, young living starter kits, young living diffuser, young living vs. doterra, young living products, where to buy young…

I call this the Anything Goes Smoothie.  You can add any raw veggie or fruit to your liking and needs. The trick for me is 5 key ingredients; organic dark cherries, honey, vanilla, organic spinach, and 6 drops of Young Living Orange Vitality Essential Oil. 

The dark cherries contain ellagic acid which may cause apoptosis to tumor cells.  This is a fancy word for "causes cell death" and this is true for any dark pigmented fruit or veggie, it also adds so much sweetness. Spinach contains chlorophyll which helps eliminate heavy metals from the body as well as carry oxygen throughout the blood; it also has no taste so it’s great for my picky eater. Honey has many antibacterial properties.  The vanilla and orange essential oil give this smoothie that great orange creamsicle flavor. 

Fill your high speed blender cup with the following:

smoothie, healthy eating, Young living, young living essential oils, young living reviews, young living essential oils distributor, young living starter kits, young living diffuser, young living vs. doterra, young living products, where to buy young…
  • Organic Spinach

  • ½ an Organic Apple

  • ¼ cup Organic Carrots (cut or shredded)

  • 1/4 Organic Cucumber

  • 2 Organic Romaine Lettuce Leaves

  • ¼ cup of frozen organic dark cherries or frozen cherry wild blueberry mix

  • 1 cup of Coconut Milk (or non-dairy milk of choice) -  Add more or less to achieve desired thickness

  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey (can sub agave nectar for small children or those allergic to honey)

  • 2 teaspoons of Bee Pollen (optional, but excellent antibacterial qualities) PLEASE NOTE: USE ONLY IF NO ALLERGIES ARE PRESENT. NOT FOR USE WITH SMALL CHILDREN

  • A splash of Vanilla Extract

  • 6 drops (or more to your taste) of Young Living Orange Vitality Essential Oil

I also love to add a splash of Young Living’s Ningxia Red for extra health benefits. This makes a very jam packed smoothie in our small 16oz magic bullet cup. 

Drink up, and enjoy this deliciousness! If you would like to connect and learn more about incorporating essential oils into cooking or your lifestyle, I’d be honored to connect with you.



 …sharing wellness stories and successes, providing hope, and offering freedom.

Jamie Moya