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Who Loves Free Oils?

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Just in case you’re new to this beautiful oily world, Young Living offers us FREE promotional oils and products every single month just for doing what we’re already doing, placing orders for our favorite oil goodness.  When you place orders that reach certain PV tiers, you receive free essential oils and/or products. The items in these monthly promotions change every month. The ones marked Loyalty Rewards Exclusive or LR only are only given to Loyalty Rewards orders that reach these PV tiers. Loyalty Rewards really is the BEST way to order – extra free items, points back (think: store credit), and free gifts at consecutive months in the program.


This Month’s Promotion:


Spring cleaning season is here! Get ready to freshen your space, ditch harsh chemicals, and embrace a lighter, brighter routine with April’s free gifts with purchase.


Young Living’s monthly gift with purchase allows you to earn rewards just for shopping your favorite essential oils and oil-infused products. Purchase YL products with a point value (PV)—these products help you qualify for this month’s gifts. The more you shop, the more you earn!


It’s easy: You purchase products and Young Living sends you free ones! Each month you’ll have new oils, swag, and/or other essential oil goodies to choose from, starting with free shipping at the 100 PV tier. Every time you increase your PV and qualify for a new tier, they’ll send you free gifts.


Place a 50 PV+ order each month with our Loyalty Rewards program. On each purchase, you’ll earn reward points that you can redeem for future products. Loyalty Rewards members also receive a free loyalty gift as a thank you each time they reach a benchmark anniversary of enrollment at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. To learn more about Loyalty Rewards, click here.


Lemon, 15ml

100PV Loyalty Rewards Exclusive

You are going to LOVE the bright, citrusy scent and the taste of Lemon!!   ‘Tis the season when all things are in bloom! LLP (Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint) will help you enjoy being outside when the seasons change! Pop it in a roller or into capsules so you can have fun in the great outdoors!  Oh, moms and dads and teachers listen up!  Aromatically, Lemon helps your brain LISTEN. Diffuse for those rowdy kiddos!

Do your kiddos put stickers on all the unwanted places? Or stickers on glass picture frames? Add a drop of Lemon, let it soak for a minute and simply wipe away. It's also the bomb for cleaning. I love to make a paste with baking soda and go to town.

Since it is also a vitality oil, you can add to baked goods, stir fries, dressings, vinaigrettes, meats, veggies, pastas, marinades, and more! Lemon can also be taken via capsule if desired.  It is such a good detoxifier - add a drop to your water! Lemon, Grapefruit, and Peppermint Vitality are great in a capsule to support a speedy metabolism.


Pine, 15ml

190PV Loyalty Rewards Exclusive

Pine has been quite a popular topic as of late, and for so many incredible reasons. Your joints and muscles will love being rubbed with some Pine. If you struggle with being a little stressed and tense, this is the grounding oil you need. It revitalizes the mind, body, and spirit.  Feel free to jump into a bit of research yourself on this one, as I go over some of the more common and traditional uses here. 


  • Diffuse to purify and freshen the air of harsh odors and give your space a brisk, invigorating aroma 

  • Create your own DIY cleaning products for more cleansing power and a fresh pine scent inhale the aroma to provide a calming and tranquil environment during difficult times 

  • Use aromatically after a long, stressful day to uplift and bring positivity and balance 

  • Apply topically to ground yourself and reconnect with nature with this fresh, bright pine aroma 

  • Contains the naturally occurring constituents beta-phellandrene, alpha-pinene, and beta-pinene 

  • Kid roller: 10 drops each of Thieves, Lemon, Frankincense, Pine - add oils to a 10ml roller and top with carrier oil

  • Adult roller:  20 drops each of Thieves, Lemon, Frankincense, Pine, RC - add oils to a 10ml roller and top with carrier oil


Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate, 14.4oz

190 PV Gift with Purchase

Everyone needs this amazing household cleaner! It’s budget friendly and works incredibly well!  This one bottle of concentrate that will make literally 10-15 30oz bottles of cleaner (depending on how much you dilute it!). Just amazing.

It is non-toxic and completely plant-based and infused with Thieves essential oil.  It can clean every and any surface, from kitchen counters, basins, mirrors, windows, toilet bowls, showers, floors, walls and even stains on clothing - it literally replaces every single cleaner under your sinks, and smells AMAZING!

My kids help with cleaning around the house and I feel confident and comfortable knowing that they aren’t inhaling toxic chemical cleaners that can disrupt their hormones or poison them.

Uses for Thieves Household Cleaner:

  • Use in EVERY room and on EVERY surface in your home!

  • Combine a few drops with the Thieves laundry detergent for a powerful clean!

  • Add a capful to a sink full of water to soak toys, clothes, etc!


Purification, 15ml

250 PV Gift with Purchase

Purification, AKA The Great Neutralizer, is a blend of Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree which work together to create a refreshing, bright scent. This ultimate weapon is ideal for purifying and neutralizing the air from unwanted and disagreeable odors. After a season of closed windows, this is the perfect choice to banish stale air and say hello to pristine clean!

Purification is magical for soothing the skin, so use it in a spray bottle to clear skin of blemishes. It’s just amazing. It’s great diluted and rolled around the ears to keep them supported, and great rolled around the eyes (around the orbital bones - where glasses would go!) to keep them clear.

A few ways we love to use it:

  • Place a few drops on cotton balls and stash them wherever necessary: the car, closets and drawers, air vents, or shoes.

  • Use in the car with a diffuser clip or USB diffuser to eliminate lingering scents of fast food trips or sports carpool.

  • Add a few drops to the fresh water in a flower vase to keep your flowers fresh and perky longer.

  • Create an on-the-go air freshener with a spray bottle, distilled water, and Purification.

  • Keep it in your bag to freshen up offices, public restrooms, hotel rooms, and cars.

  • Add a few drops to your new dryer balls, let dry completely, and toss in the dryer to freshen up your laundry!

  • Emotional uses: anger, being alone, fear of rejection, fear of seeing, negative thoughts, recognition, violence.


Thieves, 15ml

300 PV Gift with Purchase

This oil blend is one of the most popular from Young Living because it works so well. It’s an immune system powerhouse! Thieves ALL the things! Diffuse daily. Put on bottoms of the feet! You can even make some Thieves tea (it’s a vitality oil as well) with honey and lemon!! It's great for oral health, too!  It’s the HEALTHY KEEPER!

It’s amazing for cleaning - you can add a few drops to a bottle with a capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to power boost the cleaning power. You can use a few drops of Thieves and Lemon with baking soda to clean tubs and tile… it’s so good! Thieves also smells AMAZING in the diffuser!

Thieves drives our housekeeping and immune strength; but it’s also great for some emotional tidying up.  The oils in Thieves combine to sweep out what isn’t serving us and fortify our boundaries, protecting us as we choose our own highest life path. Let’s go through them:

  • Cinnamon: the oil of security. Cinnamon addresses the fear of being judged for physical appearance and helps us stand tall, no longer worried about vulnerability, and letting one’s truth emerge.

  • Clove: the oil of boundaries. Clove essential oil helps us let go of victim mentality, self-betrayal, co-dependency, and the misguided perception that outside circumstances control our lives. Clove supports us in standing up and CHOOSING our lives. It reignites soul fire.

  • Eucalyptus: the oil of wellness. Eucalyptus addresses emotions of despair, the desire to escape life’s responsibilities, and feeling trapped in patterns.

  • Lemon: the oil of focus. Lemon inspires joyful involvement in the present moment by infusing the soul with energy, confidence, and alertness. Lemon is a wonderful reminder to LIVE IN THE NOW.

  • Rosemary: the oil of knowledge and transition. In times of transition where we don’t feel like we have a sure footing, Rosemary gives us roots and reminds us of what we know for sure.

 Ways to Use:

  • Diffuse to maintain strong emotional and physical boundaries – our defense against invaders!

  • Apply to the bottom of your feet daily.

  • Apply to a sliver to help naturally pull the object to the surface for easy removal.

  • Add a few drops to a shot glass of water to ease a mild sore or itchy throat.

  • Choose You Room Spritz: In a 3.4 oz spray bottle add 25 drops of Thieves, 3 oz filtered water, and top off with neutral spirits (such as witch hazel or grain vodka) to mix the essential oils and water. Shake well before spraying.


Tea Tree, 15ml

300 PV Gift with Purchase

Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) might be the most well-known essential oil out there. Tea tree is a must have staple for every home.  This is also a great oil for all things skin - for blemish-prone skin, for healthy scalps, etc.

Ways to Use:

  • Tackle tough stains. Make your own sink and shower scrub with 10 drops Tea Tree, 1 cup baking soda, and 1/4 cup dish soap.

  • Add a drop to your nightly moisturizer.

  • Diffuse it with Lavender for a clean, delightful aroma filling your home. 

  • Make bad smells a memory. If your towels still smell after washing, spray them with a mixture of 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup witch hazel or rubbing alcohol, and 30 drops Tea Tree.

  • Put a few drops in your washing machine, garbage can, or diaper pail to remove odors.

  • Aromatically it cleanses the air and has a refreshing aroma. Try this trio out: 4 drops tea tree, 4 drops Rosemary and 5 drops lemon.

  • Treat your feet by massaging a few drops of this popular oil into dry heels.    


These statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


For Gifts with Purchase in markets outside of the United States: