Oils & Romance


Love is in the air! It’s time to talk about romance, passion, and everything in between...the sheets!

Safety & Usage

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Before we get the heat going, let's talk about how to use your oils.


Using oils in the diffuser is amazing for emotions. If you need a little confidence or help to get in the mood, your diffuser is going to be your BEST friend.


Applying oils topically is another option. You can apply them to vita flex points for the male and female reproductive systems: the outer right ankle for the female reproductive system and outer left ankle for the male reproductive system. The vita flex point for the brain (which is often our worst enemy) is the thumb of the hand and big toe of the foot. Other places are fair game as well. Don't think too hard about it. No matter where you apply them, they will absorb into your skin and you are good to go.

NOTE: Anytime you are using essential oils for the first time, dilute it with a carrier oil (any fatty oil: olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, etc.) and apply it to your forearm to see how you respond. If it makes your skin red, you either need to dilute it further or avoid that essential oil. It is also probably not a good idea to rub oils on your husband, you know where, if he has never used them before.


We don’t talk about many oils from the Vitality line in this class but please note that you can ingest oils from the vitality line to support all body systems.

Young Living offers the very best in purity and quality. The whole point of using these oils is to change the way you feel. If you are using inferior oils, you will not notice a change in how you FEEL AND PERFORM when you use them. Purity is EXTREMELY important when it comes to wellness products. When you use products that are pure, you will have more effective results. Products that are formulated with synthetic ingredients may not provide any results and can potentially cause damage to your body. Young Living goes above and beyond organic standards to provide natural products that work. YL farms on land without the use of pesticides, hand weeds their fields, and tests their essential oils multiple times in million-dollar labs to provide products with the purest and highest quality chemical constituents. If a batch doesn't meet these HIGH standards, YL will not bottle it up and send it to you.

Check out the Seed to Seal process HERE!

Low Libido


It’s no secret that many of us suffer from the common sexual dysfunction of low libido... not fun! There is nothing worse than your partner being in the mood and you having NO desire to be touched. It’s embarrassing and can often make you feel worse because you are letting your partner down. If you’d like, you can change that!

Here are a few reasons your libido could be lacking:

  • Birth control pills.

  • Menopause.

  • Aging.

  • Family problems and stress.

  • Depression and anxiety.

  • Trauma in your past.

It’s time to deepen your connection with your partner by having an open and honest conversation about where you stand and what may be the cause. Then, get some rest and reach for oils to reduce any occasional stress so you can GET YOUR MOJO BACK! Joy is a great one to try first!

I know this is rare, but if you need to DECREASE your sex drive to meet your partner in the middle, take a few sniffs of Marjoram oil.

Set the Mood

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For women, sex starts before we even get into the bedroom. Doing things throughout the day to help get you in the mindset can be just what you need to turn up the heat later.


When your schedule is crazy busy, sometimes you have to pencil in those important meetings between the sheets.


If you look sexy, you will feel sexy.


A simple “Can’t wait to spend an evening alone” or “Thinking about your lips on mine” might be just enough to get the wheels turning on the other end.


Use Orange, Sensation, or Geranium to get you in the mood. Apply topically or diffuse.

  • Orange: Brings joy to the heart, peace, and happiness to the mind.

  • Sensation: Encourages feelings of love and affection when diffused.

  • Geranium: May help ease nervous tension and lowers the defenses that may be preventing you from being open and receptive to new ideas.

Party Prep

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No one likes to get between the sheets if they don’t feel clean. If you had a long day, take a few whiffs of Stress Away and hop in a hot shower. YL has men’s and women's products.

One of our favs is the Mirah Shave Oil. OH, MY WORD! It reduces razor drag, bumps, and nicks. It's also a great aftershave.

Here are some favorite bath gels for romance...

  • Sensation Bath & Shower Gel - 8oz

  • Dragon Time Bath & Shower Gel - 8oz

  • Make your own special scent with the unscented Bath & Shower Gel Base and your favorite oils.

Get Glammed Up

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When you shower, do your hair, put on makeup, and put on fancy clothes, you instantly FEEL more attractive. When you feel more attractive, you naturally are more open to being romantic.

If you are going to spend the time to get pretty, do it with clean, safe products. Harmful chemicals found in common beauty products can cause problems with your skin, general health, and your hormones. DON’T MESS WITH YOUR HORMONES!!!!

Do yourself a favor and make the switch to Young Living skin care and Savvy Minerals Makeup products. They contain NO harmful products and actually contain ingredients that are beneficial to your skin. #WINNING

Happy Hormones


Speaking of hormones… Progesterone is a hormone in the body that impacts your libido. You NEED progesterone to have a libido.

Progessence Plus serum, also referred to as PP or P+, contains USP-grade progesterone (from wild yam extract) and was developed by a doctor who specializes in women's health. It is formulated specifically for women, and ideal for women over 30 that want to feel more relaxed and balanced.

Progessence Plus also makes a lovely perfume. Apply one drop to your wrists every night. After a week or two, you can apply one drop to wrists morning and night.

Note: If you're pregnant, you don't really need this one. So save yourself the money and restart it when you have that beautiful baby.

For more information about the ingredients view the product information page HERE.


An important sex hormone called Estradiol (the predominant estrogen throughout a woman's body in her reproductive years) is produced in the ovaries. Estradiol is required for reproductive and sexual function. We won't bore you with the pathophysiology. The most important takeaway is that a healthy reproductive system makes a girl happy.

  • Lady Sclareol* is an oil blend created especially for women to enhance the feminine nature and provide a relaxing experience when diffused.

  • SclarEssence* supports overall wellness with the properties of pure essential oils, including Clary Sage and Fennel.

Use these two oils in your daily regimen. Apply to female reproductive vita flex points or over your lower abdomen daily.

*These blends are perfectly fine if you’re hoping these love sessions lead to a bouncing baby, but we suggest avoiding them during pregnancy as they both contain Clary Sage which is typically on “Oils to Avoid During Pregnancy” lists.

Oils to Get in the Mood


Tired? Apply Endoflex daily over your adrenal glands (mid back) and thyroid (throat) or ingest a drop or two of Endoflex Vitality in water or under your tongue to support your endocrine system. #AdrenalSupport

Grumpy? Use Dragon Time. Apply to wrists before and during your cycle as needed or put it in the diffuser or in an Epsom salt bath. Your partner (and everyone around you) will thank you.

Want to feel relaxed and aroused? Use Ylang Ylang. A single oil found in Joy and Sensation blends, two other favorites for making you feel happy and help you get in the mood.

Need a little more help getting in the mood? Use Clary Sage* diluted on or around the lady parts.

NOTE: Do not use Clary Sage if you're pregnant. Save it to use during delivery! You may also want to avoid using Clary Sage during or after consumption of alcohol.

Oils for your Man

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Let's talk about some oils that spruce him up, get the blood pumping, and help him stand tall and proud. If you know what I mean. *wink wink*


Go ahead, get the schoolgirl giggles out. I mean, is this name perfect or what? The name really says it all. If you're looking for a Golden Rod, then this oil should go in your Essential Rewards order. This one goes in and out of stock often so when it's in stock SNAG IT UP!

Ok so how do you use this one? Typically, use it in a love potion. Use on his inner thighs and work your way up. Pretty soon you will have a goldenrod on your hands, or in your hands. (Schoolgirl giggle.) Note - this one is not the best smelling oil... consider blending it with another favorite!


This oil isn't a SPRUCE for nothin'. This oil helps your man stand at attention, if you know what I mean. This oil really makes it a win-win for all. Who says no to firmer longer? He feels totally macho and you get to enjoy it all a little longer.

Use it with coconut oil as a lubricant or add it to your Tingle Massage oil for a little extra cooling for you. Incorporate during pre-game time with a little play message. If he isn't a fan of the floral scents then use this 20 minutes before go time. The diffuser is perfect place to try it!

Tell your guy not to worry, he won't struggle with standing at attention too long after the act is done. God made these oils and he knows when enough is enough.


Let's get the circulation going and the blood pumping y'all! Love making is a great cardio workout. Add Nutmeg to your "workout" and you will be rocking and rolling. Dilute this one a lot before you apply it to the skin. We are trying to make positive memories, not clips for a bloopers reel!

Your Shutran Man

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Have you ever heard of pheromones? Pheromones are behavior-altering agents. They are unlike most other hormones. They are ectohormones - which means they act outside the body of the individual that is secreting them and impact the behavior of ANOTHER individual and can induce activity such as sexual arousal.

SAY WHAT? Basically, you can lure someone with your scent and get them aroused for the ultimate flirtation. The chemical constituents in Shutran were made for a man to wear to attract a woman!


Men, you can wear it on your neck like cologne to boost your confidence or put it on your forearms, shaft, and inner thighs.

Also available: Shutran Bar Soap, Shutran 3-in-1 Wash, Shutran After-Shave Lotion, Shutran Beard Oil

Oils for Men & Women

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Liquid courage straight from plants = Valor!! When diffused and applied to wrists and ears, Valor will bring about confidence like no other.

Hong Kuai has the highest sesquiterpene content of any Young Living essential oil, which means tiny particles can stimulate your brain! If you want to feel inspired to take action, this is your go-to oil for the diffuser.

COOL FACT: Hong Kuai trees are ancient cypress trees that grow high in the mountains of Taiwan. They can grow to enormous sizes and live up to two millennia. Hong Kuai wood has long been used in the building of temples, royal palaces, and baths because of its beautiful look, wonderful smell, and natural properties that allow the wood to last for hundreds of years.


OH, Baby, I'm Ready

  • 4 drops Sensation

  • 2 drops Hong Kuai

  • 2 drops Lavender

Confident Breeze

  • 5 drops Valor

  • 3 drops Hong Kuai



Mister was originally formulated to help balance the male energies. Guys, if you need a little boost in the libido department, then this one is a must-have for you! Apply this oil to your ankles and front and back pubic bones (pelvic area).

However, a little side note, ladies, if you ever get that instant feeling of needing to rip off your top because it feels like a heat wave just hit you, this one can be great for you to use on a daily basis.


There are three pages of recipes. To see each one, click the thumbnail at the bottom of the image.

Subscribe to Save & Loyalty rewards


Ordering on the Subscribe to Save program will help you SAVE money, get free products, and qualifies you to participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program at the same time. #WinWin


Subscribe to Save (S2S) is a subscription program with LOTS of perks. You get to choose what comes inside your box AND how often it processes! Leave it as is or change it to get something new every order... up to you!

  • If you have at least one item on subscription, you will receive our 24% wholesale discount on all orders (subscription and shop)

  • Limited to ONE Subscribe to Save order per month

  • You can change the items you receive in your order each month.

  • To participate, you must have one item on S2S that processes at least once every three months (you may choose intervals of 1, 2, or 3 months)

  • No monthly PV requirement. If your month’s S2S order is 50+PV, you will earn 10% back in points that you can redeem for free oils & products.

  • You can still order additional items through a Shop order if needed.

  • Free shipping starting at 100pv order totals and exclusive free gifts beginning at 190pv (new gifts announced monthly)

  • Access to exclusive discounted subscription bundles like the NingXia Red & the Thieves bundles


  • Loyalty Rewards and gifts are available for consistent, consecutive monthly S2S orders of 50+PV

  • Earn Loyalty Rewards points on S2S orders of 50+PV towards future orders - the % back increases with time!

    • Months 1-3 ~ you earn 10% back in spendable points.

    • Months 4-24 ~ you earn 20% back in spendable points.

    • Months 25+ ~ you earn 25%. back in spendable points.

  • Earn Loyalty gifts at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months for the first year then once a year thereafter

Learn more about Subscribe to Save and Loyalty Rewards here.

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Just like you share your favorite restaurant or the shop where you got your new blouse, you can share how much you love your Young Living products.

The MAJOR difference is that when you share YL with others and they use your member number to order, YOU get a thank you check from Young Living! #ReferralBonus

Go HERE to find out more about income potential with YL!!

additional notes

Thank You
  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Graphics and some of the content for this class are copyrighted and were purchased. If you wish to teach this class and use these specific graphics, you must also purchase them.