Supplement Basics

Supplement Basics

We all know the phrase "Knowledge is power." This concept applies to supplements. Once you learn more about these Young Living supplements, you will be empowered to choose the ones that make the most sense for your lifestyle and needs. Everyone responds differently. You may notice a difference in a week or it may take a few months. Be patient and consistent for 3-4 months and you WILL feel a difference. You will be happier and healthier so you can focus on the things that matter to you most!



There is a huge difference between Young Living supplements and regular store-bought supplements. Young Living supplements have an 80% absorption rate compared to conventional supplements, which only have a 30% absorption rate! That is a whopping 50% difference! This tells me you get way more bang for your buck and the supplements will be that much more effective!

The difference in these supplements is in their bioavailability and their essential oil content. D. Gary Young was the first to formulate nutritional supplements with essential oils. Essential oils infused into a supplement make the nutrients and vitamins more bioavailable in the body. This means the body can absorb them and use them as nutrients. The essential oils help increase the assimilation (absorption) of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level! The bottom line is that you should 100% be taking Young Living’s supplements over your store bought ones! Start making the switch with an easy one like your Probiotic and get that into your Essential Rewards cart stat!

Cleansing Trio Kit

Cleansing Trio

The Cleansing Trio Kit contains three supplements you need to begin improving your health by cleansing your system and eliminating waste to support normal liver function. This kit includes Essentialzyme, ComforTone, and ICP. Keep your food clean and incorporate these three supplements into your routine for four to eight weeks. Avoid any refined sugar or processed foods to take your cleanse to a higher level. You will notice more energy and overall improved well-being.


ESSENTIALZYME is a bilayer, peppermint-coated caplet that combines pure essential oils, herbs, and plant-derived enzymes formulated to improve digestive health, enzyme activity, and pancreatic function while reducing pancreatic stress. Enzymes are proteins that control the speed of chemical reactions in your body. Without enzymes, you wouldn't be able to breathe, swallow, drink, eat, or digest your food. Therefore, it is important to make sure you are getting the proper enzymes to break down food and improve digestion in the cleansing process. For more info on Essentialzyme, including usage, go HERE.


Essentialzyme contains the following essential oils:

  • Fennel: digestive system and hormone support

  • Clove: cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, and immune system support

  • Peppermint: intestinal function, gastrointestinal comfort and soothing, nervous and respiratory system, muscles, bones & skin

  • Tarragon: digestive system support

  • Thyme: muscles, bones, and immune system


COMFORTONE capsules contain an effective combination of herbs and essential oils to support the health of the digestive system by eliminating residues from the colon and enhancing its natural ability to function optimally. It does this by supporting normal peristalsis, which is what helps move everything through your bowels. As a bonus, it also promotes liver, gallbladder, and stomach health. For more info on ComforTone, including usage, go HERE.


ComforTone contains the following essential oils:

  • Ginger: digestive and nervous system support

  • Roman Chamomile: cardiovascular system, emotional balance, and skin support

  • German Chamomile: emotional balance and skin and nervous support

  • Peppermint: support for healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal comfort and soothing, nervous and respiratory system, muscles, bones & skin

  • Rosemary: digestive, hormonal and skin and healthy hair support

  • Tangerine: emotional balance, skin, and immune system support

  • Ocotea: emotional balance, skin, and nervous system support


ICP contains ingredients such as psyllium, oat bran, and flax and fennel seeds to form a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers. Enhanced with a special blend of essential oils, the fibers work to decrease the buildup of wastes, improve nutrient absorption, and help maintain a healthy heart. ICP provides two grams of dietary fiber, one gram of soluble fiber, and one gram of insoluble fiber per serving. If your digestive system isn’t functioning properly and not absorbing nutrients, all your other systems will suffer. You NEED to be able to absorb the nutrients you are putting in your body. It will result in stable emotions and a strong immune system! For more info on ICP, including usage, go HERE.


ICP contains the following essential oils:

  • Fennel: digestive system and hormone support

  • Ginger: digestive and nervous system support

  • Lemongrass: immune system, digestive, muscles and bone support

  • Rosemary: digestive, hormonal and skin and healthy hair support

The Daily Basics


The next four supplements we discuss are cost-effective and convenient solutions to incorporating additional vitamins, minerals, and nutrients into your daily routine. They are each infused with unique essential oils to increase bioavailability to stretch your dollar and support your body to the fullest!


Good health starts at the cellular level. SULFURZYME contains MSM, a naturally occurring organic form of dietary sulfur needed by our bodies every day to maintain the structure of proteins, protect cells and cell membranes, replenish the connections between cells, and preserve the molecular framework of connective tissue.


Sulfurzyme also contains wolfberries. Wolfberries are going to help free radicals get out of your body... you want that! The combo of MSM and Wolfberries in the SAME supplement is by design! Wolfberries contain minerals and coenzymes that support the assimilation and metabolism of sulfur. This supplement supports your liver, circulatory system, and the immune system. For more info on Sulfurzyme powder, including usage, go HERE. For more info on Sulfurzyme capsules, including usage, go HERE.


OMEGAGIZE3 offers a combination of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, great to support your brain and memory) combined with DHA fish oil and a blend of essential oils, all of which support brain, heart, eye, and joint health. Higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA are strongly linked to improved cardiovascular health. For more info on OmegaGize3, including usage, go HERE.


OmegaGize3 contains the following essential oils:

  • Clove: promotes a healthy immune response

  • German Chamomile: encourages emotional balance and provides skin and nervous support

  • Spearmint: supports digestive system and emotions

Life 9

LIFE 9 combines 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains. It helps promote healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for the overall support of a healthy immune system. It is designed with targeted- release capsules, a dual-sorbent desiccant, and a special bottle and cap to ensure that it stays fresh and effective. For more info on Life 9, including usage, go HERE.


MASTER FORMULA contains three separate capsules in individual pre-packaged sachets that support general health and well-being for the body. They include antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other food-based nutrients that are easy for your body to absorb and utilize. Combined, they promote healthy cell regeneration and support your gut (digestive system) which in turn supports balanced emotions, brain, heart, eye, liver, immune, joint health, and total body wellness. Master Formula is also formulated with special technology to deliver ingredients in three forms chosen for their complementary properties. It's called the Synergistic Suspension Isolation process – SSI Technology. For more info on Master Formula, including usage, go HERE.

Master Formula

The three pills in Master Formula:

  1. Liquid Vitamin Capsule: A, D3, E & K w/ Cardamom, Clove, Fennel & Ginger

  2. Micronized Nutrient Capsule: nutrients paired with Lemon, Orange, Lime, Grapefruit & Tangerine essential oil

  3. Phyto-Caplet: vitamins and a blend of prebiotic extracts

Vitamins & Immune Support


There are 13 essential vitamins that the body requires to work properly. Many of our diets leave us vitamin deficient. Being deficient may increase your risk of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and poor bone health (osteoporosis). Vitamins B & C are water soluble and need to be consumed daily since there is no way for your body to absorb and store them. The body uses what it needs and excretes the rest through your urine. Young Living offers these super vitamin supplements to help you get all the things you are lacking.


B vitamins are essential to our health and well-being, and each B vitamin performs a unique and separate function in the body. They must be replenished daily, as they are not stored in the body. Fortunately, you can easily do that with Young Living’s SUPER B supplement! This supplement has been recently reformulated to now feature Orgen- FA®*, a natural folate source derived from lemon peels, and methylcobalamin, a more bioavailable source of B12.

Super B

Super B contains all eight essential, energy- boosting B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12). Combined with Nutmeg essential oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc, Super B not only assists in maintaining healthy energy levels, but it also supports mood and cardiovascular and cognitive function. For more info on Super B, including usage, go HERE.


MULTIGREENS capsules are made with spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, Pacific kelp, and therapeutic-grade essential oils. Each of these ingredients is PERFECT for keeping you awake and feeling your best. For more info on MultiGreens, including usage, go HERE.

  • Spirulina is a source of chlorophyll, a magnesium-rich pigment that has been linked to support healthy energy levels and metabolism.

  • Barley grass juice concentrate is an antioxidant that is rich in minerals.

  • Bee pollen is high in protein and low in fat and sodium. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, and B vitamins.

  • Eleuthero root, also known as Siberian Ginseng Root, enhances physical and mental vitality and endurance.

  • Kelp contains iodine that is needed for a healthy thyroid. (Think hormone support!)


MultiGreens contain the following essential oils:

  • Melissa - energizing and helps the body’s natural response to inflammation

  • Lemon - supports lymphatic (immune) function

  • Lemongrass - supports the digestive system

  • Rosemary CT cineol - supports the endocrine system (for more hormone support!)


Your body needs Vitamin C to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in bones. It is also vital to your body's natural healing process. As a strong antioxidant, it’s a huge support to your immune system. SUPER C contains 1140% of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C per serving. It's laced with multiple essential oils to increase absorption and effectiveness. For more info on Super C tablets, including usage, go HERE. For more info on Super C Chewables, including usage, go HERE.


Super C contains the following essential oils:

  • Orange: digestive and immune system support, emotional balance, healthier skin

  • Tangerine: emotional balance, immune system, skin support

  • Grapefruit: cardiovascular system, immune system

  • Lemongrass: immune & digestive systems, muscles, bones

  • Lemon: digestive, immune and respiratory systems


INNER DEFENSE reinforces your own body’s defense system and helps to create unfriendly environments for yeast/fungus. It also promotes healthy respiratory function. It contains our amazing Thieves oil along with a few other powerhouse oils. For more info on Inner Defense, including usage, go HERE.

Inner Defense

Inner Defense contains the following essential oils:

  • Thieves: Clove, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon & Rosemary, all of which are major immune system supporters and antioxidants

  • Oregano: antioxidant properties, aids with digestive cleansing and immune support

  • Thyme: antioxidant properties & immune, respiratory, and digestive support


IMMUPRO provides powerful immune support and helps your body get a restful night’s sleep. It contains powerful antioxidants and minerals through fruit, mushrooms, and more. It's also infused with Orange essential oil and contains our amazing wolfberries! For more info on ImmuPro, including usage, go HERE.

Brain, Heart, Muscle, & Joint Health

33 Mindwise.png

MINDWISE is not only amazing for that daily brain fog you may be experiencing, but it's also great support for your heart as well. It has a fruity, nutty flavor with no added preservatives. It is formulated with healthy fats, essential oils and sacha inchi seeds harvested from the Peruvian Amazon. It also contains turmeric with its endless health benefits from bone and joint support to aiding neuron production in the brain. For more info on MindWise, including usage, go HERE.

MindWise contains the following essential oils:

  • Lime supports a healthy immune system and provides antioxidant support.

  • Lemon supports lymphatic (immune) function as well as the digestive, immune, and respiratory systems.

  • Fennel stimulates the circulatory, glandular, respiratory, and digestive systems.

  • Peppermint supports healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal comfort and soothing, the nervous and respiratory systems, muscles, bones, and skin support.

  • Anise provides cardiovascular, digestive, hormonal, and respiratory system support.


CARDIOGIZE was specially formulated by the late Young Living Founder D. Gary Young. It contains the following key ingredients: garlic extract, CoQ10, Selenium, natural folic acid (Orgen-FA®) vitamin K2, all of which have been scientifically proven to aid in cardiovascular health. It’s also infused with seven essential oils that help with bioavailability and also support your heart function and proper circulation. For more info on CardioGize, including usage, go HERE.


CardioGize contains the following essential oils:

  • Angelica encourages emotional balance and nervous system support. It's also a stimulant, digestive tonic, and expectorant.

  • Cardamom supports a healthy digestive system, overall wellness, and a healthy lifestyle.

  • Cypress supports the cardiovascular system and muscles and bones.

  • Lavender supports the cardiovascular and nervous systems and encourages emotional balance and healthy skin.

  • Helichrysum provides restorative properties and excellent support to the skin, liver, and nervous system. It also provides cardiovascular system and muscle and bone support.

  • Rosemary supports the digestive and endocrine (hormones) systems and promotes healthy skin and hair.

  • Cinnamon supports a healthy immune system and digestion.


AGILEASE is a supplement that will help maintain your muscle, bone, and joint health.Young Living uses unique and powerful ingredients such as frankincense powder, UC- II undenatured collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium fructoborate, and a specially formulated proprietary essential oil blend of Wintergreen, Copaiba, Clove, and Northern Lights Black Spruce, oils that are known for their joint health benefits to combat natural acute inflammation that may occur after exercise. For more info on AgilEase, including usage, go HERE.


AgilEase contains the following essential oils:

  • Copaiba supports the body's natural response to injury or irritation and supports healthy digestion.

  • Clove provides cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory system support and helps promote a healthy immune response.

  • Northern Lights Black Spruce is calming to the nervous system and uplifting senses and emotions.


BLM supports normal bone and joint health. It contains three essential oils, type II collagen, and MSM, which are known to support healthy cell function and encourage joint health and fluid movement. For more info on BLM including usage, go HERE.


BLM capsules contain the following essential oils:

  • Wintergreen is beneficial in massage for soothing muscles after exercising and supporting healthy bones.

  • Balsam Fir eases muscle ache and is known for supporting the respiratory system and encouraging emotional balance.

  • Clove promotes a healthy immune response and may support overall wellness.

Hormone Support


Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, sex--ovaries and testes, pancreas, hypothalamus, and adrenal glands). These messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction as well as your emotions and mood. When they are in proper balance, hormones help the body thrive, but small problems with hormones can cause serious and life-altering symptoms. There are many supplements and essential oils that can support healthy hormones.


THYROMIN is a supplement with a perfectly balanced formula to help maximize your nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature. Consuming the proper amino acids and minerals is an important start to supporting your thyroid and having a healthy lifestyle regimen. You can easily do this by taking Thyromin daily. For more info on Thyromin, including usage, go HERE.


Thyromin contains the following essential oils:

  • Spearmint may help calm occasional nausea and provide digestive and respiratory system support.

  • Peppermint supports healthy intestinal function and offers gastrointestinal comfort and soothing. It also supports the nervous and respiratory systems as well as healthy muscles, bones, and skin.

  • Myrtle supports the respiratory system and promotes healthy skin and hair. It has been researched for its effects on glandular imbalances.

  • Myrrh is a very powerful antioxidant and may support healthy skin.


CORTISTOP is a proprietary dietary supplement designed to aid in female glandular systems. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland in response to stress and low blood sugar. This hormone is there to help you survive and it is important! But if too much is produced and released, it can be harmful to your body. With all the natural stress in everyday living, this is one to help keep you in check! For more info on CortiStop, including usage, go HERE.


CortiStop contains the following essential oils:

  • Fennel is supportive of the circulatory, glandular, respiratory, and digestive systems. It also may support feelings of well-being during the menstrual cycle.

  • Peppermint offers digestion support by promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal comfort and soothing. It is supportive to the nervous and respiratory systems and encourages healthy muscles, bones, and skin.

  • Clary Sage offers hormonal support.

  • Canadian Fleabane offers cardiovascular and hormonal system support.

  • Frankincense encourages emotional balance and healthy skin. It provides immune and nervous system support.


PROSTATE HEALTH supports normal prostate function and the male glandular system. Prostate Health is an essential oil supplement featuring powerful saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oils—ingredients known for their support of a healthy prostate gland. It is a proprietary blend of pure geranium, fennel, myrtle, lavender, and peppermint essential oils. The liquid capsules offer a targeted release for ideal absorption and minimal aftertaste. For more info on Prostate Health, including usage, go HERE.

Prostate Health

Prostate Health contains the following essential oils:

  • Geranium encourages emotional balance and healthy skin.

  • Lavender provides nervous and cardiovascular systems support and aids in emotional balance and healthy skin.

  • Fennel provides digestive and hormonal system support.

  • Myrtle supports the digestive, hormonal, and respiratory systems as well as promoting healthy muscles and bones.

  • Peppermint offers digestion support by promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal comfort and soothing. It is supportive to the nervous and respiratory systems and encourages healthy muscles, bones, and skin.

Subscribe to Save & Loyalty Rewards

Essential Rewards

Ordering on the Subscribe to Save program will help you SAVE money, get free products, and qualifies you to participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program at the same time. #WinWin


Subscribe to Save (S2S) is a subscription program with LOTS of perks. You get to choose what comes inside your box AND how often it processes! Leave it as is or change it to get something new every order... up to you!

  • If you have at least one item on subscription, you will receive our 24% wholesale discount on all orders (subscription and shop)

  • Limited to ONE Subscribe to Save order per month

  • You can change the items you receive in your order each month.

  • To participate, you must have one item on S2S that processes at least once every three months (you may choose intervals of 1, 2, or 3 months)

  • No monthly PV requirement. If your month’s S2S order is 50+PV, you will earn 10% back in points that you can redeem for free oils & products.

  • You can still order additional items through a Shop order if needed.

  • Free shipping starting at 100pv order totals and exclusive free gifts beginning at 190pv (new gifts announced monthly)

  • Access to exclusive discounted subscription bundles like the NingXia Red & the Thieves bundles


  • Loyalty Rewards and gifts are available for consistent, consecutive monthly S2S orders of 50+PV

  • Earn Loyalty Rewards points on S2S orders of 50+PV towards future orders - the % back increases with time!

    • Months 1-3 ~ you earn 10% back in spendable points.

    • Months 4-24 ~ you earn 20% back in spendable points.

    • Months 25+ ~ you earn 25%. back in spendable points.

  • Earn Loyalty gifts at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months for the first year then once a year thereafter

Learn more about Subscribe to Save and Loyalty Rewards here.

additional notes

Thank You
  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Graphics and some of the content for this class are copyrighted and were purchased. If you wish to teach this class and use these specific graphics, you must also purchase them.