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Bergamot is the #1 scent used in women’s perfumes and men's colognes*. It is a citrus fruit with a very fresh scent with spicy floral undertones, similar to a combination of a grapefruit and a lime. The health benefits are similar to other citrus fruits along with other unique properties. Young Living therapeutic grade Bergamot smells HEAVENLY!

Bergamot is known to uplift the spirits of those struggling with the ability to feel happy. Diffuse when you feel the need to uplift your mood. Keep in your purse or pocket to inhale throughout the day as needed. It is emotionally healing in that it helps to encourage concentration, confidence, balance, strength, joy, motivation, good cheer, harmony, and completeness.

Bergamot supports the respiratory system. It is very effective with clearing out excess mucous and phlegm in our bodies. Put a couple of drops in water and drink it. Put some in your palms and inhale 3-5 times deeply.

Bergamot is very good for gallbladder health, which is very important for the digestive system. It helps to detoxify the gall bladder and supports the body in digesting fats more effectively.

Additionally, Bergamot supports the cardiovascular system. It helps the body to stabilize blood pressure, balance blood sugar, and support the immune system.

Bergamot combines well with all essential oils, especially black pepper, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, helichrysum, jasmine, lavender, nutmeg, orange, rosemary, Royal Hawaiian sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang.

*Please note: When Bergamot is used in most colognes and perfumes, it synthetic, not the active, true Bergamot.


Bergamot Overview



  • Diffuse or directly inhale.

  • Apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.

  • For use as a dietary supplement, put a few drops with an edible carrier oil into a capsule and swallow with water.

Suggested Dilution Ratio:

  • 50-50: Dilute one part essential oil to one part carrier oil for topical or internal use.

Body Systems Affected:

  • Digestive / Elimination

  • Emotional Balance

  • Glandular / Hormonal

  • Skin and Hair


  • This oil may be photosensitive, avoid applying to skin exposed to direct sunlight.  

  • Furocoumarin-free Bergamot is found in many of our skin care products. This means that the photosensitive quality of Bergamot has been removed and is no longer of concern.

Emotional Support:

Bergamot / Bergamot Vitality is found in the LSP Essential Oils Reference Guide to help support the body when dealing with the following challenges: Agitation, Anger, Discouragement, Grief, Sorrow, Panic, Restlessness


  • Refer to a trusted reference guide for specific information on proper usage information specific to your concerns.  Use proper judgement and seek the advice of your health care provider. Essential Oil usage for serious issues is not a substitute for professional care, but rather another way to support your body and help bring it back to balance.

  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.