Express Gratitude


Comparison is the Thief of Joy” ~​Theodore Roosevelt

 How many times have you caught yourself comparing what you do in your life to someone else?  How you did in school, dance, yoga, athletics of any kind, Mom-ing, Dad-ing, friend-ing. You get the idea.  We are constantly faced with opportunities to compare ourselves to others. It’s time to get this in check. This doesn’t mean we will never do it.  However, wouldn’t it be great to have some tools that may allow you to let go of the comparison quickly. As soon as you recognize it, acknowledge it, and then set it free.  

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​In this business, it can be hard to not compare your accomplishments or what you may feel is a lack thereof to where someone else is on their journey.  

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to build your business and achieve the rank of Diamond.  However, for you there is just one way. YOUR way. You have to look at what you are currently doing, what you are willing to do, and constantly reevaluate to ensure you are on the path you wish to walk.  Look at the time you are putting in. Are you putting in real work that will move your business forward, or are you engaged in tasks that make it seem like you are busy working? Really, is most of your working time spent honestly working in the Three Pillars, or are you doing managerial tasks and busy work?  One will grow your business. The other won’t.

Oftentimes we can get caught up comparing ourselves to others who are achieving the things we wish to achieve but haven’t’ yet.  In your head you may say something like, “She’s been working this business for 18 months and is Diamond already. I’ve been working it for three years and I’m only at Gold.  Why the heck am I not further along than she is? This is ridiculous! I suck at this. I’m stuck and frustrated.” This is when you need to bring yourself to a screeching halt! There is so much information here that you are missing, and thus not being fair to yourself at all.  You don’t even know if you’re comparing apples to apples here. I bet upon doing some digging, and not even very much, you will discover that you are trying to compare apples to orange, perhaps even apples to broccoli.

You can certainly look to others for mentorship or guidance if they are growing at the rate that you want to, but if you aren’t doing the work in the same or even similar manner as they are, it only hurts you to compare this way.  You need to recognize the comparison mindset. We are all individuals with different backgrounds and experiences. Because of this, we will approach and build our businesses differently. We will all walk (or run) our own pathway to get where we want to go.  We learn from and inspire one another, but when it comes down to it, we will all walk our own path.

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When you compare yourself to anyone else, it steals joy from your present moment. When you look at someone and think, “she ranked to Silver in 6 months, she must have had help,” or “she ranked to Executive in just 3 months after starting the business, I wish I had the free time that she did,” you are taking credit away for how HARD they have been working and devalue the work that you have put in.  Let the work others do MOTIVATE you to do what works for you. If it speaks to you to hold more classes and work a few more hours a week, then do it. If it doesn't, then don't. Find another way that speaks to you. Don’t let it discourage you in the least bit. Recognize it, acknowledge it, and send it on its way. I will promise you though, that if you put others first and truly work in the three pillars, however that manifests for you, your business will grow.  This is where you recognize where YOU want to be, what you are willing to do, and the quality of the relationships you are willing to cultivate to get there.  

In regard to having specific rank goals.  Do you want to work 100 hours a week to reach Diamond in 18 months?  Sweet! We’re here to run with you! Do you want to work 10 hours a week and reach Diamond in 5-10 years?  Sweet, we’re here to walk with you. Don't even want to reach Diamond? Awesome, we’re here for you too! 

Our intention with the Enlightened Oilers Community and  the Dream. Grow. Inspire. class is to foster and build communities where we can cheer each other on!  Where you can come and feel safe sharing your wins, where you can come and be excited for what others are doing.  Don’t let the things others do steal your joy. Instead let it give you joy for them! Gratitude is the driving language with the Universe; be grateful for where YOU are on your journey!  Be grateful that others can be reminders where you want to be and how you want to get there. Let them also be reminders for the way you don’t want to do something (that is really important!) and be grateful for what you can learn along the way. Be grateful for each person in your organization, even if it’s just you for now!  Express gratitude for all that you have.  

Whenever you feel lack or comparison to others, lean into gratitude, write down 5 things you are grateful for, and watch the comparison attitude and mindset begin to disappear.  Become the biggest cheerleader for your friends and members and those who you see succeeding! You want to be there one day too, don't you? Pay it forward.

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Reflect and Process What You Learned:

  • Why is it so important to refrain from comparing yourself and your journey to that of others?

  • What are you encouraged in today?

  • We’d love to hear a bit of your gratitude today!