Northern Lights Black Spruce

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Northern Lights Black Spruce Oil is a special oil that is distilled at Young Living's Northern Lights tree farm in British Columbia, Canada. The trees are bathed in the energy of the aurora borealis which is believed by many cultures to contain spiritual renewal and clarity.

Black spruce is native to Canada and grows in wet, swampy regions. Historically, Lakota Indians used black spruce for healing wounds and muscular pain as well as part of their spiritual rituals for its purifying and cleansing properties.

Black spruce has a medium intensity, fresh pine-like, earthy, evergreen aroma with a slightly sweet undertone. It has a much milder, sweeter scent compared to other oils from the evergreen family. It has a high content of esters, contributing to its balancing and antispasmodic properties. It is often added to baths and massage oils.

The best-known ability of black spruce is its ability to clear blockages, both respiratory and emotionally. It has expectorant and disinfectant properties that make it helpful in supporting the respiratory system promoting clear breathing and open airways. This oil is grounding and stimulating at the same time. It promotes feelings of harmony and goodwill, and helps people identify and connect with their true feelings by clearing their emotional blocks. Since it is rich in monoterpenes, it provides a fresh, relaxing atmosphere, perfect for meditation and yoga.

Black spruce is also great for the endocrine system, supporting the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands. This makes it wonderful to use when experiencing lethargy, especially in winter months. For adrenal support, mix a few drops in a carrier oil and massage onto your lower back.

Black Spruce also supports your muscular system by assisting with blood flow to tired muscles and sore joints. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antispasmodic properties that can help keep the urinary system healthy as well.

Northern Lights Black Spruce blends well with blue spruce, cedarwood, eucalyptus, frankincense, galbanum, helichrysum, lavender, palo santo, pine, rosemary, and wintergreen.


Northern Lights Black Spruce Overview

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  • Diffuse or directly inhale.

  • Apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.

Suggested Dilution Ratio:  

  • 50-50: Dilute one part essential oil to one part carrier oil for topical or internal use.

Body Systems Affected:

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Immune / Anti-infectious

  • Muscle and Bone

  • Respiratory System

Emotional Challenge support:

Northern Lights Black Spruce is found in the LSP Essential Oils Reference Guide to help support the following emotional challenges: Boredom, Confusion, Daydreaming, Despair, Disappointment, Discouragement, Fear, Frustration, Guilt, Mood Swings, Panic, Restlessness


  • Refer to a trusted reference guide for specific information on proper usage information specific to your concerns.  Use proper judgement and seek the advice of your health care provider. Essential Oil usage for serious issues is not a substitute for professional care, but rather another way to support your body and help bring it back to balance.

  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.