Motivation & Purpose


Your Motivation, Your Purpose, Your Why

Every single one of us has a purpose.  You may not always know what that is on a day to day basis, but as you learned in "Discovering Your Brand," purpose is evident in how you show up to the world every single day.  The messages you send in your actions, in your words, and in the way you make others feel, either attracts others to you or sends them running in the opposite direction.  This isn't always a negative. You aren't meant to attract everyone, just as a gazelle has NO desire to attract a lion, you most likely have no desire to attract people who hold belief systems contrary to your own.  However, there are people you do want to attract.

Like attracts like.  What you put out, you get back.  People who relate to the messages you send out into the world are the people who will surround you.  The more specific and consistent you are in the beliefs you convey, the more clearly others will hear your message and come alongside you.  Let your passions shine through so others who share those passions can find you. Busy moms will attract other busy moms. Those pursuing cleaning up their homes and diets to minimize toxins will attract others who are doing or want to do the same.  This is the reason that what motivates and drives you is so important. When your purpose and your why are clear, people will begin to trust you and be inspired by you. They will want to join forces with you.

As you begin sharing essential oils with others, you need to have a clear reason why you are doing this.  The first reason that often pops into our minds is usually financially or materially driven. This is awesome.  However, in and of itself, it is not enough to sustain you. It is definitely a reason and a motivating force, but it is not the big purpose-driven why.  You need to connect emotion to this purpose that will sustain you even in the most difficult times.

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Please take the time to watch this video by Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why.  It is full of amazing insight and will help you truly comprehend why it is so imperative for you to understand why you do what you do and will inspire you to lead with what you believe.

Start With Why:

People Don't Buy What You Do, They Buy WHY You Do It!

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"The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with those who believe what you believe." - Simon Sinek

This is grounded in the tenets of human biology. No, not psychology, BIOLOGY.  

The human brain is broken down into three major components that correlate perfectly with The Golden Circle.  Our Neocortex corresponds with the "What," the outside circle. This is responsible for all of our rational and analytical thinking and language. Our Limbic system corresponds to the middle two circles ("How" and "Why") and is responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty.  It is responsible for all of our behavior, all decision making, and it has no capacity for language. When we communicate from the outside in, people understand all of the complicated logical things we are saying, it just doesn't drive their behavior. When we communicate from the inside out, we are speaking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior and then we allow people to rationalize it with all of the tangible things we say and do.  This is where gut decisions come from.

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​If you don't know why you do what you do, and people respond to why you do what you do, how do you expect them to choose you to lead them? If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech is an amazing example of this.  Thousands of people showed up to hear Dr. King speak in the middle of the day in the summer of 1963 without any formal invitation, without a website to check the day and time of his speech.  Think about that for a moment.  

They didn't come for him, to support him. They came for themselves.  Dr. King didn't tell them what needed to change in America, he told them what he believed.  People who believed what he believed took his cause and made it their own and then they told others.  Dr. King held the belief that until the laws of man were consistent with the laws of a higher authority, we would not live in a just world.  People who also believed this showed up. They came because they believed what he believed, and it had become their cause. After all, ​Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the "I Have a Dream" speech, not the "I Have a Plan" speech.  

People and businesses that make the mistake of leading with product rather than purpose, don't inspire others.  People and businesses that lead with what they believe inspire others and become massively successful. Apple is a perfect illustration of this.

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There are leaders and there are those who lead.  ​

Leaders hold a position of power or authority. We follow them because we have to. Those who lead inspire us. We follow those who lead not because we have to, because we want to. We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves. Those who start with "WHY" have the ability to inspire those around them or find others who inspire them.

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It's now time for you to find your Golden Circle, so you can lead from the inside out. Let's dive into your Motivation and Purpose with Young Living.  You will need both.


What drives your business?  What is your motivation to succeed?  Here are a few examples of what these might be:

  • Paying off loans

  • Making a mortgage payment

  • Taking a dream vacation

  • Down payment on a home

  • Purchasing a new car

  • Giving more to a beloved charity

  • Leaving your job to stay at home with your new baby

  • Financial freedom

  • Retirement account

  • Paying for your children to attend college

  • Remodeling your home


Your purpose, your why, is not the financial part of it.  Your purpose is the emotional connection. What will this do for you?  What will that money provide for you? What will the freedom to take control of your own wellness give to you?  What will it provide others? Here are a few examples of what someone's purpose might be:

  • Time to bond with my family and be there for my children as they grow up rather than punching a time clock to make ends meet.

  • Helping others understand how eliminating as many toxins from their life as possible will benefit them exponentially; showing them they have options.

  • This is an amazing way to empower my family and others to take control of their wellness and be proactive with their health rather than reactive.

  • Live debt-free to reduce stress and the negative effects it has on our health and enable us to give to others to improve their quality of life.

Why Do You Do It?

Watch this short video that so beautifully demonstrates how having a why completely magnifies your impact.

Know Your Why:

Now, Ask Yourself, Why Do YOU Do It?

Sit with it.  

Feel it.  

Envision it.  

Write it down.  

Share it.  

Your Why brings purpose to what you do.  

​Walk in and toward your purpose.

​Allow yourself to DREAM BIG!


How Do I Figure Out My True Why?

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The Seven Levels of Why

Why.  Why. Why.  We always tell you to remember your why, but if you don't know what your why really is, how can you utilize it?  Your why is your driving force. It's what makes you decide to get up and work your business. It's the reason you WANT to devote time to your business.  

Have you ever heard the cliché “find the why that makes you cry?"  If your WHY doesn't make you cry, then you need to dig deeper because you haven't found your true why.  Keep asking yourself why until it hits you smack dab in the feels! THAT is when you found your purpose, your WHY.  

Here is an exercise to help you.  You will need your notebook and a pen.  Write it down. SERIOUSLY, WRITE IT DOWN.  Typically, by doing this exercise, you can unearth your true why.  Some hit it before the seventh level, other may need to go a little deeper.  When walking through this, it is important to listen to your intuition, listen to what comes to you as you are walking through this.  When moving to the next level, be very specific. If you get caught in the same responses, you are ignoring the true answer. Dig deeper. Try to hit the seventh level of why.

If you refuse to dig, you are only hurting yourself and your ability to grow.  Remember that your overall goals get further away the longer you delay digging into your true why.  Let's get to it, shall we? Try to get to the 7th level of why. THAT is where your REAL why sits. 

Let’s Start!

Begin by applying Frankincense between your eyebrows to the “Third Eye point.” Close your eyes and say a prayer, speak to the Universe, your Angels, God, whoever you are drawn to, and ask for guidance to unearthing your true driving force for working this business - your “why.” Ask to be open to the answers that will come and for guidance on this journey.

1.  Ask yourself - "What's my goal for my business?"   

  • Example Answer - diamond this year 

  • Your Answer: __________________________________

2. Now, ask yourself “Why is that my goal?” 

  • Example Answer - because the financial freedom diamond offers would let us get ahead

  • Your Answer: __________________________________

3. Now, ask yourself a why question based on that answer.

  • Example Question - Why is financial freedom important? 

  • Example Answer - because we could stop worrying about debt

  • Your Question: __________________________________

  • Your Answer:​__________________________________

4.  Again - ask yourself a why question based on that answer 

  • Example Question - Why would not worrying about debt be important?

  • Example Answer - because I could concentrate on the moment and enjoy time with my family

  • Your Question: __________________________________

  • Your Answer:​__________________________________

5.  Again - ask yourself a why question based on that answer.

  • Example Question - Why is concentrating on the moment and family important? 

  • Example Answer - because I've missed out on so much time I could've been with them - I need to be present. 

  • Your Question: __________________________________

  • Your Answer:​__________________________________

 6.  Again - ask yourself a why question based on that answer. 

  • Example Question - Why is being present important?

  • Example Answer - I want to be able to be with my family while we explore everything the world has to offer.

  • Your Question: __________________________________

  • Your Answer:​__________________________________

 7.  Again - ask yourself a why question based on that answer. 

  • Example Question - Why is being together and exploring new things important? 

  • Example Answer - Because when I grew up, my parents were always there - they afforded me some amazing experiences, but often there wasn't the time or money to do it with me.  I wish they could've been with me when they sent me to Europe for 3 weeks. I want to explore Europe with my husband and sons, I want to take the time to teach them about the world by being present around the world. I don't want to be working so much that my kids remember me working instead of being with them.

  • Your Question: __________________________________

  • Your Answer:​__________________________________

As you can see in the example, the initial why of "financial freedom" is not actually the true why. The true why is because of longing to spend time with family traveling and being present. That hits you in the feels.

Now it's your turn.  Do it. Write it down.  




For a printable version of the Seven Levels of Why Exercise, download this PDF:

Reflect and Process What You Learned:

  • Did the messages shared by Simon Sinek resonate with you?  Why, or why not?

  • What is your PURPOSE in sharing Young Living?

  • What is your MOTIVATION for pursuing the business?

  • Did the light bulb go off after watching the short clip by Michael, Jr. about Knowing Your Why? 

  • Did this give you new energy, make you feel really alive? 

Your Why:

  • What was your Initial Why?

  • What is your True Why, the one that surfaced after the 7th level?

  • What are three ways you will change your business based on knowing your True Why?